Thursday 1 March 2012

Shah Jahan & Mumtaz

Shah Jahan was born in 1592, he was the emperor of the Mughal empire from 1628 until 1658. His name represented The King of the World.
Mumtaz was born in 1593 in Agra and she was into a Persian famlily nobility.

They get married in 1612, and Mumtaz was the third and favorite wife of Shah Jahan. They had fourteen chidren but unfortunately Mumtaz died accidently while giving birth to her 14th child. Shah Jahan built the great Taj Mahal in memory of his true LOVE and enventually is wife. But he was put in jail by one of his son. That jail was just in front of the monument, finally he died seeing his wife's tumb. This is a famous romantic story in India.

Sandrine and Jacqueline

One of the famous indian lovers

Every lovers in the world know the story of Salim and Anarkali. The son of the great Mughal emperor Akbar, Salim, fellin love with the courtesan Anarkali. He was hypnotised by her beauty and fell in love as soon as he saw her.Anarkali was the servant of Akbar and his wife When he asked to his father Akbar to mary Anarkali, King doesn't because she was a courtesan. And the son and father did a big war but Akbar knew he'll won because Salim army were too weak and he won. And Salimwas sentenced to death and Anarkali intervenes and renounces her love to save Salim. She is entombed alive in a brick wall right in front of Salim eyes.

By Baradane and Wasim

Rama and Sitha

Rama and Sitha are the most known couples in India and Nepal. This story is held in Ramayana. Sitha married Rama because He was the only one to attach the string in the heaviest bow. After the marriage, they were banished of the kingdom, so they went and lived in forest for 14 years.

Then one day Ravanan arrived to small hut of the 2 couples and kidnaped Sitha when Rama went in search for food. Sitha was brought to Srilanka. Rama couldn't find her anywere so he asked help to his devotee Hanuman. Hanuman went to Srilanka and found Sitha, he gifted her the ring of Rama.

Then Rama and his troup went and fought for Sitha. Rama and Sitha returned to the forest.

After 14 years they went back to the kingdom. King Dasharatha was dead and it was the 3rd son who had the trone. After Rama and Sitha had arrived Rama got the trone and lived happily again.

By Dora-Farzana and Harini

A true LOVE between Lord Shiva and Parvati

There were a king and a queen named Himavantha and Menadevi who were devotees of Shiva. They wanted their daughter to become Shiva's wife. Their daughter, Parvati, also worshipped Shiva a lot. But Shiva was meditating an wasn't paying attention to the beautiful girl. For years, he did not open his eyes. Parvati woshipped him everyday. Then she started to meditate with the god. But when Shiva woke up after a long time, he tested Parvati's love. He changed into a normal man and asked Parvati to marry him. But she replied she would only marry her Lord, so Shiva, turning back into his real shape, accepted to marry her.The wedding was beautiful !

Here it proves that "A true love never fails ! "

By Lysa and Deephak