Thursday 19 April 2012

goodbye =)

We are having the exams so we are only concentrating on that,but i was so happy to be your friend and it was a nice year. Our holiday starts this Thursday and our exams are in tuesday and wednesday .
When is your holiday and ur exams?
Are you interested in Shakespeare's story? I think that it is yes !!!

Buhbye mates

so here we go... the year is ending for us! Exams will be taking place on next tuesday and wednesday.... N after that....... HHHHOOOOLLLLLIIIIDDDDAAAAYYYYYYssssssss!!!!!!!! Just cant wait to be done with studies!!!!!! until next year..... :( .... but whatever... we wont be abble to talk to u anymore so GOODBYE! We'll miss ya!! Enjoy!!

Lysa & Franklin!
Hi friends
This is my last day in school, and I have an exam , tuesday and wednesday.

All your presentation were interesting.

Goodbye friends !

GOODBYE, friends
I enjoy my self to write mesages to you, but I'm so sad because I will leave you.
On the 24th and 25th, we will have an exam and after we have holiday.
OK, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Bye friends !!!!!!

Good bye friends ! I'll miss you all and I love you so much you all !!!


Bye Friends !

Hello friends ,
I am very happy to spend this whole year with you but now I have to say GOODBYE ! All your presentations were amazing !!!
Nice to meet you.
Bye Bye!

Good bye,

I am very pleased to know about you.

I learned lots of thing about you like the marriage in Greece and also about romeo and juliet. I hope you also knew about us.

I am very sad to say bye to you!!!!! =C


Hi friends

I'm sorry but it's time to say goodbye.

this year i have spend a nice time with you ,

your presentations on SHAKESPEARE were very nice.

Nice to meet you GOODBYE.

Bye Bye everybody

bye bye friends i will miss you a lot
Your articles was very nice and i think that we will meat again.
Have a good end of the year.This year we have the 10th exam the 24th and the 25th of april
from vishnou


HELLO friends,
It's time to leave you, because we will go to holidays from 25.04.2012.
I enjoy my self to write message to you this year.
We have a big exam, it' our 10th exam.
GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Good bye from Pondicherry

Bye friends!

Your articles were very, very interesting. It was very nice to have contact with you. I'll miss you a lot. I have an exam on the 24th and the 25th of April.

Have a good day!!

From Patrick

Bye bye friends

Bye bye friends!
It was great to have you as our pen friends.
I learned loads of things about Greece.
I hope you also leared things from Pondichéry.

Goodbye friends !!!

Thursday 12 April 2012


Yesterday, on the 11th of April, I was in the theatre of M.Valavane because I was practicing for the play “Romeo and Juliet”. At 3’o clock, my teachers asked to go home because there would be a tsunami in Pondichery at 5’o clock...In Indonesia, the first temblor of 8.6 magnitude struck at 2.10 p.m. It was followed by aftershocks with magnitudes ranging from 6.6 to 8.2.

Tremors of varying intensity was felt in a Tamil Nadu, Andra Pradesh, and Karnataka ….

But, there were any tsunami so I was disappointed.

April fool tsunami !!!

Yesterday, we went to the movie,there were all our friends. While we were watching the film a few of us have received a message in their mobile telling us that the tsumani had come to Indonesia and could occur in Pondicherry.Some of my friends were afraid, others were still looking the film. At the intermission of the movie we went out to buy something to eat, so there we also called our parents to request information on the tsumani. Everybody knew about the tsumani warning, even our school was closed down at 3 o'clock in the after-noon. Some gave returned to their homes by being afraid of this rumor.The movie ended around 6pm in the evening.So we went out and we were talking about this false alarm that has disturbed all people !!

Jaqueline et Sandrine

Earthquake in Indonesia

Yesterday, in Indonesia there was an earthquake of magnitude 8.7 at 2.30 pm. At this moment I was in cinema theatre with my friends watching a new movie.
There was a roomer that there would be a Tsunami at 5 pm in Pondichery. In Chennai, at 4.30 pm there was an earthquake of magnitude 6.5. Everyone in the cinema theatre were shocked and were making calls to their families and having some news from them. But nothing happened in Pondichery. There were no tsunami nor earthquake. We were all safe. But everone had been frightened, and alerted.

That was an april fool on the 11th of april.

An April Tsunami Like An April Fool

Yesturday was just a simple afternoon when, suddenly, around 3 p.m., all the phones started ringing... Everyone was informing us there was a tsunami alert! We were just sooooo scared because on TV, it was said to stay at least 200 meters away from the cost but my home is like directly on the beach! As we live on the 3rd floor, we were safe, but all our neighboors who live down came up and settled themselves on our terasse to watch the sea and check the waves. We waited all afternoon for the supoze-to-come" 6 meters-high-wave... We got to know an earthquake had happened in Indonesia and the wave was suppose to come from there... We are still waiting for it!!!!
Lysa and Franklin

A strange afternoon on 11th april 2012

Yesterday afternoon we were watching a movie in a cinema theater(Adlabs).
We were very excited to go to the cinema theater with our friends and with our english teacher. While we were watching the film, suddenly my friend has got a shocking call. This was a shoking call because , the news was that there will be a Tsunami in Pondichery at 4'o clock and they said also that there will be a earthqueake. That earthquake started at Indonasia, so the indian police alerted in pondicherry that maybe there will be a tsunami or a earthquake in pondicherry within 20 days.So all the people who were near the beach, started to pack their things to go out of there. In lycée français de pondichéry,all the +2 students were attending an exam, but suddenly the princîpal came and said to get out of there, so all the students went back home and bit frightened.

Yesterday's joke!!!!

Yesterday, the 11th of april, I was in shcool trainning the play "Romeo and Juliet"... At 3 30, my teachers asked ous to go home because of an alert of Tsunami in Pondichery. i thinked fisrt that it was just a joke but it was sirous, the lyçée asked to students to go home.... So I go home and I learn that it was the truth. I saw lots of poeple moving; pannicking, shoutting.... I already know that the Tsunami won't come. I wanted to afraid my freinds by the latest news but they already learn that......
But I don't care of Tsunami!!!
Divagar and Baradane 3e euro

A tsunami alert in Pondicherry

Yesterday, the 11th of April, 2012, I was in my house watching TV quietly. Suddenly, in all chanels, flash news were coming. These news said that a tsunami is coming at 4°clock in the afternoon. I was a little bit afraid. All shops closed around 3 °clock. People were running all the sides. In fact, an earthquake with 8.9 richter meter, came in Indonesia. Because of that, some scientists said that in Tamilnadu a tsunami will come.
At the end, no tsunami at all !
I was very disappointed!!!